Best Time to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Best Time to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro standing at 5895 meters above the sea level is the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. It is very unique since it’s rare for it to have snow especially because it’s located near the equator at 200 miles.

Climbing Kilimanjaro

When to go?

There are main two seasons for climbing Kilimanjaro. They are dry(June to October) and wet seasons (April to June). The dry season is referred to as the peak season.

During peak season, the weather is usually good with warm conditions making it easy for climbing Kilimanjaro and higher summit success rate. However being peak season is not because of weather but because the time coincides with American and European summer holiday.

Alternative time for climbing is from January to March where the weather is neither cold nor wet. The timing is best suitable for hikers who prefer less crowds of people.

Full Moon on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro usually has beautiful views on the summit night. Now imagine hiking on full moon which creates such amazing and unforgettable experience with the most magnificent view.

Attempting the climb on full moon makes it much easier since it illuminates the path and creates beautiful scenery of the glaciers. It is also easy for the hikers since they don’t have to wear head lamps.

The table below shows the 2019 Full Moon Dates

New moonFirst quarterFull moonLast quarter
18 December26 December2 January9 January
17 January25 January31 January7 February
16 February23 February2 March9 March
17 March24 March31 March
Blue Moon
8 April
16 April23 April30 April8 May
15 May22 May29 May6 June
13 June20 June28 June6 July
13 July19 July27 July
Lunar eclipse
14 August
11 August18 August26 August3 September
9 September17 September25 September2 October
9 October16 October24 October31 October
7 November15 November23 November30 November
7 December15 December22 December29 December

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